Expenses Search Fields and Buttons

You use the fields and buttons on the Expenses Search page to locate expense line information and export it.

Top of the Page

Field Description
Click to access the Search Filter Profiles dialog, where you can select to display/not display columns in the grid and then save your selections as a Search Filter Profile.
Click to create a link to this page on your home page for easy access.
Click to clear search criteria.
Click to search using specified criteria.

Search Filter Fields

Field Description
Job Number Enter or search for a job number to use in search criteria.
Client Name Enter or search for a client name to use in search criteria.
Project Name Enter or search for a project name to use in search criteria.
Job Name Enter or search for a job name to use in search criteria.

Grid Column Headings Row

Field Description
Click to access the Column Selector Profiles dialog, where you can select to display/not display columns and then save your selections as a Column Selector Profile.

Search Result Set Fields

Field Description
Date Created This column displays the date when the expense line item was created.
Date Modified This column displays the date when the expense line item was last changed.
Client This column displays the client to which the expense line item was charged.
Project This column displays the name of the project to which the expense line item was charged.
Job # This column displays the number of the job to which the expense line item was charged.
Job Name This column displays the name of the job to which the expense line item was charged.
Job Owner This column displays the name of the owner of the job.
Job Type This column displays the job type.
System Status This column displays the status of the expense line item.
Charge Band This column displays the charge band to which the expense line item was charged.
Markup This column displays the markup percentage that is applied to the expense line item.
Expense This column displays the description of the expense to which the expense line item is related.
Submitter This column displays the name of the person who submitted the expense line item.
Incurred Date This column displays the date on which the submitter incurred the expense that the expense line item represents.
QTY This column displays the quantity of items that the expense line item represents.
Unit Price This column displays the price of one item.
Selling Price This column displays the selling price of one unit of the item.
Cost This column displays the total cost of the items, not including markup.
Total Inc Markup This column displays the total cost of the items, including markup.
Details This column displays any details about the expense line item that the submitter provided.
Paid for By This column indicates who paid for the expense line item, such as "employee."
Expense Sheet Status This column displays the status of the expense sheet to which the expense line item belongs.
Signed Off This column indicates whether the expense sheet to which the expense line item belongs has been signed off on.
Click to export the data that the current view is displaying to a CSV file.